Exam time is a big issue for child as well as for parents. Exam is often accompanied by anxiety and stress. Add to that peer and parental pressure and loads of expectations and the innocent child finds himself surrounded by stress and tension. Parents must take extra care while a child goes through the examination process. It is always hard to prepare so much within a short span of time. Pressure keeps building up and child falls victim to exam fever.
So what are the responsibilities of parents? Parents should make sure child does not get distracted. A kid tends to get easily distracted. Losing focus can be disastrous for his exam preparation and ultimately for his self-confidence. Priorities must be clear and it is the job of parents to help the child in this aspect. They should make sure distractions like TV, guests or tiffs must be avoided or kept minimal.
Child’s sleeping cycle must be proper. Without adequate sleep he will always feel lethargic and won’t be able to give his 100 percent. Taking proper sleep is absolutely necessary and parents should ensure that he follows a definite routine. Proper sleep will also ensure he will be having good retention power. All the hard work will come to a naught if sleep cycle is disturbed.
Provide your child with balanced and nutritious diet. Don’t allow him to skip food. Fresh fruits, juices and pulses etc are must for child during exam time. If he eats well and sleeps well, there won’t be much reason of anxiety and pressure. Finally make him work accordingly. Cheer him up and he is sure to come up with flying colors.