Enjoying the guarded atmosphere during school times...stepping into an entirely new and unknown world of college...exercising the freedom which is by default given to the child...and so on... this certainly appears to be the journey of any individual living the gift of Almighty,’ Life’.
All through this voyage parents play the role of a’ watchman’, keeping track of every step the child takes. The big question that is posed in front of parents is the line that they need to draw between their concern for their child and the privacy that the child requires.
It is usually observed that the parent very vigilantly observes the moves of the child. This is disliked by kids as their life seems to be interfered constantly. Parents need to strike a balance for the same. At the same time children must realise the importance of the priceless guidance which their experienced parents provide them with.
Time and again parents find it a herculean task to deal with their kids as it has become increasingly difficult to handle the issue of interference in the lives of their children. Both the entities must use the most effective tool of ‘communication’ in order to drive smoothly through the tough and rocky path of life. This would not only make life more effective and productive for the child but also help him to lead his life in the harmony and peace.
It is essential on the part of the parents to make life easier for the child rather than being excessively protective and making it difficult for them. ‘Sneak peaks’ must be in balance from both ends.